Vape Weed 5g - Bubble Gum
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Manually ground hemp inflorescences.
Product: Vape Weed Bubble gum - packed, ground hemp flowers
Producer: Dr Joint
Content: 100% of inflorescence Cannabis Sativa L in the form of ground dry hemp
CBD: < 7 %, THC < 0,2 %
Vape Weed is the best solution for people who need a large daily dose of CBD in dried form, but do not want to strain their wallet. Hand selected flowers are a guarantee of pure, best quality dried - to use straight from the package! The even grinding of the inflorescences ensures a perfect consistency, which promotes uniform combustion. This makes it easy to use our product in vaporizers or joints.
Choose from several varieties with unforgettable aromas, among which there is something for everyone. We recommend mixing varieties and creating your own blends for aromatherapy!
Bubble Gum is a stable and potent sativa strain with a distinctive sweet fruity scent reminiscent of bubble gum, originally developed by Indiana growers and a winner of many awards since 1994!
This strain has the ability to relax the body, leaving the mind clear. The densely compact flowers commonly called "tops" are covered with numerous hairs found naturally in our cannabis.
When vaporized, you will get large clouds of vapor, rich in cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and phenols.
Hemp dry CBD is for adults only!
How does CBD work?
CBD, officially cannabidiol, is one of the most well-known cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Its healthful properties are widely described in numerous medical publications. The results have surprised many times the medical and pharmaceutical communities. Few of the most well-known properties are:
- CBD effectively helps in treating inflammation and relieving the pain that accompanies it. (as confirmed by WHO report compiled in 2017 in Geneva);
- using hemp oils has a positive effect in treating acne;
- CBD is equally effective in working positively on anxiety attacks, paralyzing fear, chronic anxiousness, and exhausting thought train. It also has a positive effect on falling asleep.
- Helps in reducing blood sugar level;
- relieves seizures. One of the best researched and documented benefits od CBD is its effect on the frequency and intensity of epileptic seizures;
- reduces spasms;
- mitigates symptoms of multiple sclerosis;
- reduces nausea and reduces contractions of the small instestine, preventing nausea
- in lieu of Full Spectrum oils, isolate-based oils have a stimulating effect and provide the necessary dose of energy for the entire day
Important information
- Vape Weed - 5g of Bubble gum flowers. CBD 7%<, THC < 0.2%
- Offered by us dry is the highest quality, has a certificate confirming its composition so you can be sure that you get a fully legal, fresh and original product.
- Hemp dry Bubble gum CBD is packed hermetically in certified packaging not permeable to UV radiation.
- CBD content is within 3-7% (depending on the crop) and THC is less than 0.2%, so the product is legal in Poland and many European countries.
- CBD is not addictive and does not cause any side effects.
- The product is not intended for consumption.
We invite you to familiarize yourself with other products from our offer - these include CBD and CBG oils produced in our own laboratory, ready-made pre-rolls, more than 25 varieties of CBD and CBG flowers and hemp accessories such as vaporizers PhenoPen, FENiX, RAW products, Clipper lighters, and many others ...
Should you have any question, we stay at your disposal.